A qualification originates from a specification whose content takes account of the projected use of the equipment in question.
For the automotive, military, aronautical and space sectors that have very demanding and highly specific requirements, it is essential to consider the mechanical, climatic, physical-chemical and electromagnetic environments that might need to be taken into account, including by associating them with functional constraints (covering the supply networks: electrical, hydraulic, fluid,...).
The levels of the requirements take account of the type of products tested (e.g. vital / safety equipment).
Equipment qualification testing campaigns can be derived from an internal quality policy to verify that a product meets the requirements of its life profile or, more generally, are an integral part of a contractual discussion between a customer and its supplier.
In the second case, it is also a question of ensuring that the final equipment will meet its own qualification requirements and of protecting itself against possible failures of the various subassemblies that are part of it.
The contractual discussion may also include penalty clauses linked to possible delays in delivery due to, among other things, non-conformities in testing.
Within the Emitech Group, our teams, laboratories and test centers dedicated to these qualifications requiring specific know-how and instrumentation are grouped under the names of qualification branch or branchQAMAS.
For the automotive, military, aeronautical and space industries, environmental testing requirements arising from qualifications often outweigh those arising from the regulatory environment. European regulations apply, for example, to the automotive sector by means of the E mark, and apply to aeronautical equipment on the ground and partly to military equipment with CE marking.
Equipment in any sector can be qualified. In addition to tests carried out in a regulatory context, functional tests may be carried out, tests related to the transport of the product, tests intended to verify the good ageing of an equipment, etc.
Materials used in the railway, marine and energy sectors are also subject to these qualification requirements, with generally lower levels of electromagnetic requirements than those found in automotive, military and aeronautical qualifications.
The Emitech Group announces the creation of an Innovation Department, dedicated to researching and implementing innovative solutions to prepare the future of testing.
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