Acoustics refers to the study of sound perception and its causes, and by extension, of all elastic vibrations and perceived noises.
The field of acoustics covers the perception of undesirable sounds and, more broadly, the categorisation of sound. The acoustic performances of vehicles, machinery and installations are subject to increasingly strict regulations, and also represent an important marketing asset.
We offer acoustic analysis in various fields including:
Our laboratory for the detection of noise is equipped with a 7000 N vibrator, totally soundproofed and installed in an acoustic room of 24 m².
With the vibrator in operation, the background noise level is about 35 dB (A).
The structure under test can be vibrated in sinus, random or according to track signals.
Noise can be listened to, recorded and replayed, measured in pressure or acoustic intensity.
Our Department Innovation and Application builds small acoustic cabins to measure the acoustic transparency of a component.
Our cabins are installed and used by French car manufacturers or equipment manufacturers.
Our laboratory is equipped with one of these cabins which allows us to carry out exactly the same measurements as those performed by manufacturers.
In a vehicle, noise is propagated from the powertrain to the passenger compartment by airways (acoustic transparency characterized in small cab) or by solid means: exhaust line fixings, gearbox control, air hoses, turbo,...
Characterization of solid noise transmission is made by measuring dynamic stiffness or transmissibility.
Modal analysis is an experimental technique designed to assess the extent to which structures are deformed at different resonant frequencies (modal curve).
Our modal analysis capacities allow us to determine how a structure will behave when subjected to vibrations, with a view to optimising acoustic performance and vibration resistance.
Modal analysis is also used to adjust models created using the finite element method.
Our on-site measurement facilities (acceleration, noise, forces, constraints) combined with our study facilities (modal analysis, finite element calculation) and our laboratory testing facilities enable us to solve most noise problems encountered in the automotive, rail, aeronautical and defence industries.
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