Altitude testing is particularly important for components and sub-assemblies used in the aeronautics and defence sectors and in general for all air transport simulations.
Overpressure or vacuum testing is also used in other sectors (e. g. railways) to simulate pressure variations (less severe but present and using the same equipment).
These tests are mainly aimed at civil and military aeronautical equipment which encounters strong variations of altitude and rapid decompression likely to damage them, to disturb their functioning, their communications.... These tests allow to test the mechanical resistance (deformation, breakage...), the electrical resistance (isolation fault, heating... due to the oxygen drop) and to highlight design faults (electrical connector too close, point of weakness...).
They are defined through different standards: MIL-STD 810, RTCA DO-160,...
The testing performed on products transported by air can determine the impact of atmospheric pressure on the product itself or on its packaging (packaging).
Our laboratories use different testing facilities for these altitude tests.
We have the capacity to conduct:
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