Whether they are made mandatory by legislation, required by a partner or simply because they are of high added value in terms of the services we can offer you, recognition in all its diversity plays an increasingly important role in the life of laboratories.
Our quality policy is enshrined in our quality manual, drafted in accordance with strict industry standards. But the driving force behind our commitment to quality is the pragmatic approach that informs the work of our teams: understanding our clients’ needs and working hard to exceed their expectations.
The vast majority of the equipment used in our testing laboratories is monitored and tested in our own in-house metrology laboratories.
The experience we have acquired in the field of metrology, and our involvement with Cofrac accreditations for our testing laboratories, have naturally led us to ensure that our metrology laboratory in Montigny has Cofrac calibration accreditation for:
Our scope is available at www.cofrac.fr.
This Cofrac accreditation covers:
The values measured under COFRAC accreditation (Calibration Accreditation No. 2-5656) are:
Clients can benefit from our expertise in this field via our metrology services (Cofrac or not)
While the systems of Notified Bodies have evolved within the framework of the last directives called by CE marking, this accreditation is an essential element to implement the most recent conformity assessment procedures.
Emitech is Notified Body 0536.
Emitech, as a third-party certifying organisation, conducts product certification services with total objectivity, independence and impartiality.
Emitech is an independent legal entity, fully responsible for its certification activities.
The staff assigned to these certification activities are in no way professionally connected to clients, nor to any testing laboratories we may use.
Any situation that could potentially infringe upon this impartiality or create a possible conflict of interest should be reported to Emitech for arbitration and to resolve the situation.
All Emitech employees, and all committees involved in the certification process, act impartially and free from any commercial or financial pressures that could potentially undermine this impartiality.
Emitech Group - Legal information