Nuclear reactors, strategic military facilities and other sensitive sites... seismic tests are a requirement for various industrial facilities.
The mechanical stresses of earthquakes are reproduced by test equipment using a test table with high low-frequency and multiaxial displacement requirements.
They are most often carried out with bi-axial excitation (vertical - horizontal).
Nuclear and other sectors
Test requirements:
To verify the functioning of the equipment under test during and / or after testing, it is possible to ensure:
Presentation of the test equipment
- Frequency: 0.1 to 100 Hz
- 16 acquisition channels
- Sinus control, random, shock (S. R. C.) in bi-axis
- Force: 50kN horizontal and 2*30kN vertical
- Displacement : max. 250 mm peak-to-peak horizontally and 100 mm p-to-p vertically.
- Max. mass: 900 kg
- Table 1100mm x 1200mm
- Force: 50kN horizontal andvertical
- Displacement : max. 250 mm peak-to-peak horizontally and vertically.
- Max. mass: 100 kg
- Table 450mm x 450mm
- Capacitive accelerometer sensors, charge, ICP,...
- Wireless displacement sensors, LVDT,...
- Strain gauges
- …
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