Mechanical impact tests are naturally integrated into many tests specifications. They concern phenomena predicted by the life profile of products, but they also make sense for consumer or professional equipment, which may be subjected to such stress when transported between the factory that produces them and the end user.
Whether accidental (impacts), predictable (handling) or anticipated in the life profile of an equipment (landing shocks, pyrotechnic shocks,...), mechanical shocks are an integral part of the operating environment of many equipment.
In addition to our vibrators, which can be used for shocks (with a maximum force of 305,000 N), our test centres are equipped with mechanical shock machines with tables of dimensions 400 x 400 for the smallest and 900 x 900 for the largest, making it possible to perform semi-sinus shocks from 1 to 10,000 g and from 1 to 80 ms, depending on the vertical axis.
During handling, the most significant mechanical damage is caused by packaging.
Carrying out tests of different heights.
Accelerometric measurement acquisition system.
Our equipments
- Shock unit MTS 36*36
- Table Dimensions 0.9m x 0.9m
- Semi- sinusoidal waveforms
- Amplitude: 5 to 100g
- Shock duration 1 ms to 80 ms
- LMS, M+P acquisition chain
- Max load capacity 900 kg
- Vibrators can also be used to generate different shock profiles:1/2 sinus shocks, sawtooth peak, trapezoid, shock response spectrum... The maximum available force is 305,000 N.
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