Motor vehicles with less than 4 wheels (but also 2-wheel, 3-wheel vehicles), cars, lorries, coaches, etc. as defined by categories L, M, N and O of document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.3 and components and separate technical units intended to be fitted to these vehicles are subject to this procedure concerning electromagnetic compatibility.
ECE R 10 replaced Directive 2004/104/EC which introduced the'e' marking. This Regulation introduces the 'E' type-approval which applies to the European market and beyond (more than 50 countries are concerned including, outside Europe, Australia, Japan, the Russian Federation, etc.).
ECE R10 sets requirements for electromagnetic compatibility in emission and/or immunity depending on whether the vehicle, its ESAs (electrical/electronic sub-assemblies) as a component or STU (separate technical unit) and whether they have immunity-related functions or not, of the REESS (rechargeable electrical energy storage system).
All vehicles of categories L, M, N and O are concerned by this procedure.
Note that in the case of an electric vehicle, approval must be requested for theREESS and for the connection circuit for charging this SRSEE.
Not all ESAs are subject to E marking.
For ESAs, testing shall be carried out in an ISO 17025 accredited laboratory.
For unsafe products, the tests are defined in paragraphs 6.5, 6.6, 6.7 and 6.9. The company taking over the approval procedure shall draw up its declaration of conformity for its product if the tests are in conformity.
For safe products, the immunity tests in paragraph 6.8 complement the above tests. The test report completes the technical and administrative file which is sent to the Technical Service mandated by the state which will deliver the approval.
The marking consists of a circle surrounding the letter E followed by the distinguishing number of the country granting approval (example E24 for Ireland).
For REESS products, the tests in paragraphs 7.10 à 7.19 shall apply. The test report completes the technical and administrative file which is sent to the Technical Service mandated by the state which will deliver the approval.
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