The safety of users (and of their property) is one of the most common requirements, and because radio equipment shares the use of a limited resource known as the frequency spectrum, requirements relating to this field are just as common as safety requirements.
The importance of electrical and electronic equipment in our daily lives and its impacts in terms of electrical and electromagnetic phenomena are also reflected by an increase in the constraints in this field.
This set of requirements is laid down in the form of tests defined by means of standards, many of which are intended to be international. The regulations to be satisfied define the administrative procedures to be followed and the standards to be used.
Our main mission is to ensure the successful market launch of your equipment by informing you about this regulatory context and how it applies to a given type of equipment, identifying the latest developments in terms of standardisation, determining the applicable national variations and the testing requirements to be satisfied, and specifying the links between different legislations and what this means in terms of the design of your equipment, the costs and time frames.
The tests performed are generally derived from a regulatory context, and the approval procedures are often associated with certification processes (a third-party organisation – the certifying body – judges the conformity of the item on the basis of test reports provided by the laboratory in relation to the tested sample, and then periodically verifies that the marketed products are identical to those tested), or on a self-certification basis (the person in charge of marketing the products accepts responsibility for the interpretation of the test reports and makes sure that the marketed products are identical to those tested).
The Emitech Group supports your product marketing procedures through its testing services, but also by offering you its training, regulatory information, analyses and engineering services.
The Emitech Group announces the creation of an Innovation Department, dedicated to researching and implementing innovative solutions to prepare the future of testing.
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